we heavily leveraged our cloud structure our on-premise structure um that umbilical cord for our kbr employees for the vast majority of them was through cisco infrastructure so through asas and um pivoting and turning those physical devices and firing them up into virtual devices virtual vpns and deploying them all over the globe overnight that was key for us to stay operational and support our business
we're cloud agnostic so we leverage different cloud vendors to be able to support our mission we use our private cloud and we use we're heavily using microsoft and aws cloud instances as well and being global we have to be able to get that compute workload as close to our customers possible and our employees as possible um so being able to deploy in europe and asia and the united states is important for us and to be able to move that workload up and down is very important for us our challenge that we we strive for is to be able to fulfill that application experience let the user experience
what they need to uh to consume from that application to fulfill their duties to deliver to the customer um regardless of where they're
at and where that workload is being hosted whether it's in the cloud or on-premise for us well it really is bridge the gap between our different teams so they're able to actually pull the information that they need and uh and deliver you